The Whitcomb Family Day Care in Long Beach, California, state license # 191604310 Child Care in Long Beach Your child matters when safety is an issue. Some parents might think babysitting in their own home is perfectly safe, but at the Whitcomb Family Daycare, in Long Beach, California, rooms especially for children are monitored regularly for safety. Family home child care may give your child more safety, in the long run, than hiring a babysitter to come to your own home, especially at the Whitcomb’s. Your child deserves proper care, and many families find rates affordable at Whitcomb Family Day Care. Gladys and her husband Jonathan are highly qualified, recommended, trained, and licensed, to provide a loving, safe home environment for children. Call Gladys for more information, including rates and availabilities. You’ll be glad you called Gladys: 562 427-6027. This childcare home is at 4503 Walnut Avenue, zip code 90807. A recommendation from the parents of Hunter and Heather: “We have been thoroughly pleased with the level of care, love and affection that you have provided to both of our children over the past 10 years. You are an amazing family and have provided a warm, safe and nurturing environment to our children . . . “Both Hunter and Heather have developed into the smart, sweet, kind and special children that they are today because of your gentle spirit and the fun atmosphere that you have in your home. “Thank you so much for helping us to raise our two children since infancy. You have made a permanent impression upon their hearts that we, and they, will never forget.” Sincerely, Kristy and Clark (Long Beach, California). You can rest easy, knowing your child has the care he or she needs in this established, licensed family child care home. Your Child Matters © Copyright 2011, 2012 Jonathan Whitcomb Another puzzle solved We keep visual identity private online We enjoy many friendships